Getting started
Node Options
Each of your connected nodes, i.e. servers, will appear as a collapsable section with the ‘Node Options’ appearing on the far right.
Understanding the Interface (From Left to Right):
- Expand/Collapse - Click on the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ arrow icon to expand or collapse the section for the node.
- Node Name - The customizable name for the node in its settings.
- Refresh - Re-establishes the connection with the node and generates a new authorization token.
- Go to Web - Launches the web app for the node in your default web browser.
- Show Connections - View all of the available connections to the node, their info, and switch between them.
- Node Settings - Click on your user avatar to reveal a dropdown menu with additional options.
- Edit - Change the node’s settings, such as the address or user account you are connecting with or changing its nickname in the desktop app.
- Logout - Keep the node settings but require a user login to access.
- Remove - Logout and remove the node from the desktop app entirely so that it has to be added again.
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