View Pool Information
Find out the state of a pool, whether or not it has errored, what the results of its latest scan are, and what drives are in it.


Click the name of the pool whose information you would like to view (e.g. pool name).

# State

A pool is a group of drives that work together to hold your data. All nodes have at least one pool. The state of a pool describes whether or not it can be used for storing data.

creativespace.local/system web interface
Pool Information Modal
Status: Online
State What You Need to Do
ONLINE The pool can be used to store data. All of its drives are working correctly.
DEGRADED The pool can be used to store data, but one or more of its drives have failed. Replace the failed drive immediately to avoid data loss.
UNAVAIL The pool cannot be used to store data. Too many of its drives have failed. Replace the failed drives immediately so that the pool can once again be used to store data.

# Errors

When a drive does not correctly store or retrieve data an error occurs. Although a pool can usually fix a certain amount of errors, it is a sign that a drive in the pool is about to fail, and will need to be replaced. Keep in mind that while a pool can tolerate a drive failure, it is very important to replace the failed drive immediately to prevent data loss.

creativespace.local/system web interface
Pool Information Modal
Status: Online

# Scan

A scan is when a pool periodically checks all of its drives to make sure they are functioning correctly. If any of the drives generate errors, the pool takes extra steps to repair the errors. Pools scan their drives on a weekly basis to keep your data safe.

creativespace.local/system web interface
Pool Information Modal
Status: Online

# Config

A config is a list of drives in a pool. You can check the config to see the number of drives in a pool, and the status of each drive.

creativespace.local/system web interface
Pool Information Modal
Status: Online

# Drives

A drive is the physical hardware on which your data is stored. Most pools have either 12TB or 16TB hard drives, or 1, 2 or 4TB solid state drives. A drive can either be online or faulted. If a drive is online then it is correctly storing and retrieving the data the pool sends it. If it is faulted then it is either generating errors, or it is missing. A faulted drive is usually either broken, about to break, or missing from the node entirely.

creativespace.local/system web interface
Pool Information Modal
Status: Online
Status: Online
Status: Online
Status: Online

# History

The history of the pool is a log of all of the different actions the pool has taken to store data, check its drives, and repair errors. If you need technical support for your node, we might ask you to send us a copy of the pool's history.

creativespace.local/system web interface
Pool Information Modal
Status: Online